Tuesday, September 25, 2012


1. Parents, not the school are responsible for a child's education
2. Parents who choose to send kids to school (public or Christian) should volunteer huge hours to the school (not for the school's sake but for their kids). This should continue through to graduation.Be hands on with your kids' education.
3. Parents should realize that the school is only the platform for education. The real learning happens as parents work with their children on homework.
4. Parents should never let their kids be exposed to teachers and peers (other kids) longer than they are with their parents. If the parents are involved with the school, this will happen naturally. Never let your kids be embarrassed you are at school with them. If that happens, pull them out of the school and educate them yourself (or enroll them in a smaller school) so that they value your attention more than anyone else's.
5. Parents should base the child's educational direction on the nurture and the admonition of the Lord.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


1. Hold them closely but let them grow used to not being held
The urge is to coddle them all of the time. They need close contact and lots of loving, but they also need to learn to enjoy their own space. Let the alone some too. It's all right to let them be in a safe room alone.
2. Give the assurances of strong family
Even at birth it is healthful for them to sense that their mom and dad love each other.
3. The problem with discipline begins about the time they come home from the hospital
The sin nature is born into us, not taught into us. Some form of discipline needs to begin from day one.
4. Early over protection will lead to later frustration
Over protected children tend to be the most rebellious later on..
5. Dad should hold the baby a lot. He or she needs to become used to the father's strength.
Mom will be around much more than dad. So Dad needs to purposefully care for and give attention to the baby. There is a reason men and women are different and the baby needs the strengths of each.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Children Should

1. Children should be instructed in manners and decent behavior 
2. Children should be loved unconditionally but never be left to their own devices 
3. Children should be happy but never led to expect it
4. Children should be observed and not allowed to run wild
5. Children should be trained in acceptable processes of discovery and not given over to discover without supervision 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Five Don'ts

1. Don't panic when your child does wrong
   Teach your child. You did some wrong things too and made it through.
2. Don't rely on the doctor's opinions
   Doctors don't know everything. Many of their instructions are just their opinions and are no better than your own. Don't listen to a doctor tell you to keep your kid out of church, for instance.
3. Don't over react to things your kids say
   You want your children to talk to you. They will learn not to if you over react every time they try to.
4. Don't cling so tightly to them they feel like they have to run to find freedom
   This is especially true when they grow into their late teens.
5. Don't forget that God loves them much more than you do
   You can trust God with these souls.