Saturday, June 30, 2012

Boys and Girls

1. Teach the boys to defend the girls
2. Teach the boys to respect the girls (never be alone with them)
3. Teach the boys to be kind to girls (opening doors, giving seats)
4. Teach the boys to play differently with girls, never rough housing
5. Teach them boys to never strike back at a girl

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Power of your Words when Disciplining

1. Never embarrass your kids.[1]
Scold privately
2.  Carefully choose your words.
Speak about the failure not the person;
  • Don't call them "stupid"
  • Don't say things like "bad boy." 
Tell them their fault;
  • "You told a lie." 
  • "You disobeyed."
3. Use Bible terms.
  • It's a lie, not a fib.
  • It's disobedience, not strong willed.
  • It's anger not a tantrum.
4. Show them Scripture concerning their sin and teach them how to biblically correct it.
5. Always end any discipline session with assurances of absolute and unconditional love.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Convictions and Standards

1. Know your convictions (versus your preferences)
2. Agree upon your convictions (between husband and wife)
3. Define your convictions (why do you believe them)
4. Communicate your convictions (by clearly speaking of them and posting them in your home)
5. Reinforce your convictions (by having one on one and meaningful conversations with your children about them)[1]

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dealing With a Child's Lies

[1]1. Treat it seriously. It originates with Satan.

2. Be honest yourself. Your kids can catch you in a lie too.
3. Remind children that lying is deceiving self (and can become a dangerous snare as they grow older).
4. Assure them of your love and forgiveness of their sin.
5. Teach them to confess their sin to God.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Let Your Children See

1. Let your children see you seek ways to blessing others
2. Let your children see you seek Christ in times of struggle
3. Let your children see you trust Christ when you have no answers
4. Let your children hear you confess your sins when you have fallen
5. Let your children see you serve Christ when faithfulness is challenging

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting

1. Have a quiet time from your kids
2. Discipline your children for correct behavior not out of anger or frustration
3. Discipline before you get angry or frustrated
4. Be sure your children know your expectations of them. Teach them frequently. Asking them to repeat them. Asking them to practice them in front of you.
5. Do not expect perfection from them. They are, after all, just like you.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What Kids Need

1. Kids need their parents' example 
2. Kids need their parents' supervision
3. Kids need their parents' consistency
4. Kids need their parents' devotion to the Lord
5. Kids need their parents' to be there for them

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Five Ways to Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Children must be supervised. 
Without it they will make the wrong choice.  
2. If you can't take the time to watch your children, don't have children.  
3. Children must be given opportunities to learn.  
Learn to look for learning opportunities.  
4. Children will learn to love God only if the parents love God.  
5. Children will blame God for the bad in their lives unless parents direct them to see bad as the consequences of sin in the world and Christ as the only answer to that sin.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today: A Child's Greatest Need

1. A child's greatest need is salvation.  
2. A child's second greatest need is love.  
3. A child's third greatest need is discipline.  
4. A child's fourth greatest need is an example.  
5. A child's parent is the key to all of the above.  

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Make memories together.  
2. Teach your children about their (extended) family.  
3. Decide to improve your parenting.  
4. Take note of other parents - What are they doing right? What would you want to do differently?  
5. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses as a parent and person. Seek help in those areas of weakness.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Have clear and agreed upon expectations for your children's behavior.
2. Your children can't be your best friend while they are in your home but can become your best friends as adults (mine are and they agree).
3. The smallest things can make the biggest differences to children.
4. Dad should teach children to respect mom.
5. Mom should not do all the household duties but expect children to care for their things.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Monday, June 11, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Make the house a haven.
Home should be a place they want to be.
2. Inspire your children to do great things for God.
Whatever they may be led to do with their lives.
3. Teach your children to put God first in their lives.
4. Point your children to duties of importance not just jobs for existence.
We need people in all fields, even the ones that seem less significant. But help your children to consider that God may desire them to pursue those fields that stretch them beyond the ordinary.
5. Give your children a vision of eternity.
You don't need to be negative about life. Just be very positive about heaven.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Teach them to work by going to work.
2. Give them age appropriate chores and see that they do them.
3. A child's room is not their private property. 
Check up on them.
4. The parent's room is private. 
Teach them not to enter it.
5. Be quick to apologize when you make a mistake.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Listen to your kids play. 
What clues do they give about their lives?
2. Let them help you work when they are young and ask.
Otherwise when they are older they won't want to work with you.
3. Let them see your relationship with your spouse. 
They need to have an example of good marriage.
4. Remember that they are more likely to imitate your marriage than learn to do marriage better.
5. Be cautious with sports. 
There is very little good about having children involved in them.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Friday, June 8, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Take one child on an activity.
Listen to him or her.
2. Spend more time with them than any of their friends or teachers.
Become the most important peer in their life.
3. Insist that they have friends who are at least five years older and are who you want your kids to be in five years.
4. Never allow your child to be alone with a person their own age. Always supervise those times. (No one their age can help them make more mature choices.)
5. Become very involved in their education.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Love on your kids - lots.
2. Insist your children listen to adults and that they do not dominate conversations.
3. Children can clean up after themselves. Insist they do so.
4. Eat meals as a family.
5. Display inspirational art in your house. Be careful of inspiring them to worldly things through your art.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Five Ways To Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Follow discipline with strong affirmations of love.
2. Discipline fairly and quickly. Never let the separation of wrong linger.
3. Teach your children to quit crying after discipline, and before you are in public.
4. Don't use your hand as a rod. Your children should look forward to your touch and not fear it.
5. Discipline may be a parent's primary job (comes from the same word as teaching).

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3800 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Five Ways to Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Read one chapter of the Proverbs to your kids every day for a month
2. Agree to never disagree with your spouse in front of your children
3. Teach your children to respect authority by backing up their teachers. If a teacher has to discipline your child, discipline them again yourself.
4. Never disagree with a teacher in front of your children. If you believe the teacher is in the wrong, speak to them privately about it.
5. Teach your children to behave nicely in the church building.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3700 Daily Visits with God visit Pastor Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Monday, June 4, 2012

Five Ways to Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Is church a family thing for you?
2. Don't punish the children by not letting them go to church events.
Church is not a privilege but a necessity.
3. Support SS teachers and pastor before your children.
4. Teach your children to live their pastor.
5. Display love for the Lord before your children.

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3700 Daily Visits with God visit Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from

Friday, June 1, 2012

Five Ways to Improve Your Parenting Today

1. Parent purposefully
2. Laugh frequently
3. Love fervently
4. Live consistently
5. Worship faithfully

To my readers:
I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.
For more than 3700 Daily Visits with God visit Marvin McKenzie’s blogger page. There you will find daily visits going back to 2006.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please subscribe to my feed and share it with others.
Please consider helping our church’s teen department by signing up for cash back shopping at Bible Baptist Church Fundraiser. This program has three levels of participation, the first being completely free.
For more resources from Pastor Marvin McKenzie visit Bible Baptist Church of Puyallup.

(photo from