Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Building Modesty

Modesty is important both in makes and females. Our boys should be trained to be modest as well our our daughters. The target, however, will be primarily on the girls. The older our girls get the more pressure they will be faced with to dress in ways that are immodest.
Forcing dress rules will only work so long. There has to be a strategy that is more solid than merely, "Because I said."
1. Teach what modesty is
Dressing modestly is to dress in a manner that does not entice another lustfully. It is very possible to dress in an attractive manner without dressing to cause lust.
2. Teach why modesty is important

It has a bearing on our relationship with God.
It has a bearing on our relationship with our friends
It has a bearing on our relationship with the opposite gender
3. Teach what is and is not modest
This is especially important for the girls. She may not realize what entices a boy unless she is told. If parents wait until she gets it on her own she will very likely already be hooked with wearing those clothes.
4. Protect them from the wrong peers
To place a child in a room five days a week, six hours a day with people his or her own age and who do not have convictions about dress is to teach your children to dress like the class and not like you have told them.
5. Lead them to the right peers
Children should spend the majority of their time with mature men and women who have proper convictions of modesty. This means that most of their time is spent with their parents, some of their time is spent with their parents' peers or other mature mentors, and all time with their own age peers is supervised.
The goal isn't to make our kids conform to what is acceptable in the church you attend. Your goal should be to teach your children to dress in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord, appropriate for the occasion and respectful of those men and women present.

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