Thursday, August 9, 2012

Training Your Children to Act Rather than React

Every day life situations either force us to react or give us opportunities to act. Reactions are usually emotional and seldom thought out. Far better is to develop in our children (and in ourselves) certain auto-pilot type actions to life's situations. For instance when someone offends us our "auto-pilot" action should be forgiveness.
I have attempted here to give some suggestions to help train actions rather than reactions in our children:

1. Teach them God's Ten Commandments 
Every Christian should have a firm grasp upon all ten and how they apply today. These become the moral compass for all action.

2. Teach them Christ's greatest commandments 
Jesus summed up the Ten Commandments in just two. No, I am not giving the excuse to just learn these two; I am saying that we need to have both Jesus greatest commandments and the Ten Commandments down pat. We ought to be able to spurt them out so clearly that even in the most pressure riddled situation, we can make choices based upon them.

3. Teach them your faith
I am convinced that every Christian should be able to write out concisely what it is they believe and how they believe what they believe impacts their daily choices.

4. Teach them your expectations 
It is only right that our children know what it is we want to see in them. Don't leave them guessing.

5. Teach them to trust God for outcome 
Once our children are guided by the above four they will need that final step which is to obey their guiding principles, knowing they are right, and trust God for whatever outcome He pleases.

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