Thursday, September 13, 2012


1. Hold them closely but let them grow used to not being held
The urge is to coddle them all of the time. They need close contact and lots of loving, but they also need to learn to enjoy their own space. Let the alone some too. It's all right to let them be in a safe room alone.
2. Give the assurances of strong family
Even at birth it is healthful for them to sense that their mom and dad love each other.
3. The problem with discipline begins about the time they come home from the hospital
The sin nature is born into us, not taught into us. Some form of discipline needs to begin from day one.
4. Early over protection will lead to later frustration
Over protected children tend to be the most rebellious later on..
5. Dad should hold the baby a lot. He or she needs to become used to the father's strength.
Mom will be around much more than dad. So Dad needs to purposefully care for and give attention to the baby. There is a reason men and women are different and the baby needs the strengths of each.

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