Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teach Your Children to Be Truly Happy

I keep an article on display for parents at our church entitled, "Excitement Deprives Children of Happiness."[1] The gist of the article, written by a Jewish man, is that over stimulation prevents a person from experiencing true joy. And it makes sense when a person observes the world of extreme sports. People can't enjoy cross country skiing so they graduate to downhill. But when the "buzz" of that wears off they jump out of helicopters to sky down cliffs. I am not saying it is wrong to enjoy those things but an adrenaline junky will have trouble developing the truly godly disciplines of quiet time with the Lord, Bible reading and meditating upon it, prayer that is fervent, sitting at the feet of Christ in a church service where the emphasis is on worship rather than spiritual entertainment. 
How can we train kids to be truly happy and content? 
1. Limit electronic entertainment
TV, radio, and game boards. 
2. Get them to a park
I do not mean a theme park. I mean somewhere with grass and trees. 
3. Teach them to ride a single speed bike.
Keep them away from things with loud engines
4. Enjoy a camping/fishing trip
5. Exciting things are fine, but they shouldn't be the norm

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